Meal Plan During Pregnancy Weight Gain During Pregnancy.?

Weight gain during pregnancy.? - meal plan during pregnancy

at first I was a bit more weight and is considering the creation of a new regime, when I found out I was pregnant. When I went to my 12th Week I was able to visit at 4 pounds and was this week for 15 weeks and gained only 4 pounds were, it is good or bad? Should I gain more weight?

dont get me wrong, I eat. I eat every two hours (small meals or snacks), I eat when I'm sick) (very ill.


Proud Army Wifey said...

If your gynecologist is not a problem, and your little bundle of joy, the goal is growth, then you have no worries. It will be more pre-pregnancy weight gain in the last quarter. Good luck, hope you have a healthy pregnancy and happy!

Emerald...4 months 1/2 already! said...

Well, I'm almost 15 weeks and also got 4 books, but then I became very ill and has lost 4 kilos and now I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I told my doctor and he told me not to harm the baby but a healthy diet. Just keep a good diet and everything is good, more if you think it advisable to gain the upper hand, as a rule to about 20 pounds, so I think you're doing all good;)
Take care

Noah Benjamin born 07/22/2009 said...

I am 16 weeks pregnant and have increased only about 3 pounds. I think it is good if the baby is healthy. I had an ultrasound examination before a few days and said that the baby is 16 weeks. Most people gain weight because they can think of when you are pregnant, you eat what I want and what is not true.

Edit: I also eat smaller meals more often, because it fulfills me fastest.

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